Search for former inmates of the Stutthof camp
Based on partially preserved documentation of the former KL Stutthof, based on the names of the prisoners determined nearly in 75%, the Stutthof Museum Archives issues official certificates confirming the prisoners’ stay in the camp. This information is provided only to interested persons – former prisoners, members of their families, and institutions from Poland and abroad. To obtain information, please complete the data in the Investigation card and send it electronically or by post to the Museum’s address:
tel.: +48 (55) 247 83 53 – Museum Archives
address: Stutthof Museum, ul. Muzealna 6, 82-110 Sztutowo
After checking the data, the answer in the form of a relevant certificate will be sent by post to the indicated address.
- in the content of correspondence sent to the Archives by e-mail, please provide your data (name, surname) and address
- when completing the investigation card, provide the most accurate data about the person you are looking for – name, surname, and date of birth are the basic information used to identify prisoners
The Stutthof Museum Archives, along with other museums that are participating in the documentation program of the Institute of National Remembrance and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage titled “Personal Losses and Victims of Repression Under German Occupation” implemented by the “Polish-German Reconciliation” Foundation, has transferred the names of 36,767 Polish prisoners of the Stutthof camp during the years 1939-1945 to the personal database.
Detailed information about the victims and of the German persecutions against Polish citizens in the years 1939–1945 can be found on the website
Search for former prisoners.
The information contained in the search engine makes only a fragment of the list of names of former KL Stutthof prisoners included in the documentary materials of the Stutthof Museum Archives. To confirm the prisoner’s stay in the camp, please complete the investigation card in the tab. “Search” for former prisoners and send it to the museum’s address. We also invite you to visit the website
Note: Only documents of the record book with reference numbers I-IIE-… are available in the form of scans
fragment of Paweł Leszczyński’s diploma thesis.
Glossary of terms
Nazwisko – Surname
Imię – First name
Nr obozowy – Camp number
Data urodzenia – Date of birth
Miejsce urodzenia – Place of birth
Miejsce zamieszkania – Place of residence
Zawód – Occupation
Szukaj – Search