Promotional Meeting: “Była raz królewna mała. Bajka kaszubska ze Stutthofu” / “Once Upon a Time, There Was a Little Princess. A Kashubian Fairy Tale from Stutthof”
On December 10th, a promotional meeting took place at the Museum of Pomeranian Literature and Music in Wejherowo, featuring the latest publication from the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo titled „Była raz królewna mała. Bajka kaszubska ze Stutthofu” / “Once Upon a Time, There Was a Little Princess. A Kashubian Fairy Tale from Stutthof.” During the event, participants had the opportunity to listen to presentations by Dr. Andrzej Kasparek, the author of the introduction, and Agnieszka Kochańczyk, the illustrator.

The promotion was also accompanied by a lecture by Agnieszka Kłys and Bogusława Tartakowska, focusing on the topic of juvenile prisoners at the Stutthof camp, enhanced by a presentation of original objects from the museum’s collection. The meeting was led by Dr. Aleksander Michalak.
We would like to inform you that the book is now available in the online bookstore of the Stutthof Museum.*
* The book is available only in the Polish language version.
Fot. M. Kurpiewski