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Investments and Projects

The last few months at the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo have not only been a time of substantive activities but also a period of intensive investments, renovations, and the implementation of numerous projects that are not always visible to the naked eye. Thanks to targeted grants from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, we are finalizing work on the construction of a new Visitor Service Office. We received PLN 8,293,217 from the state budget for this project.

In the coming days, we will also begin work on the reconstruction of the foundation walls of the post-camp building. For this purpose, we have received a targeted grant of PLN 709,238 from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.

In July, thanks to cooperation with the State Forests – Elbląg Forest District, we also began search operations aimed at locating artifacts related to the functioning of KL Stutthof that were abandoned or discovered. The searches are being conducted in areas that once belonged to the Stutthof camp and are now under the management of the Elbląg Forest District. The work is carried out under archaeological supervision. For this purpose, we have received a targeted grant of PLN 200,000 from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.