A- A A+

Simple search:

  1. Classification: Section, main entry, subordinate entry according to thematic scheme.
  2. Description: enter the date and content, e.g., Stutthof, sea evacuation, surname, etc.
  3. Author: (option). Location – the place where the original would be.
  4. If you know the photo number, enter it in the “signature” field. Status – availability or lack of catalog No., no data, restricted (database partially made available – updated regularly)
  5. Press the “search” button

Resources are arranged by sections (classification). See the thematic diagram to find the necessary classification, i.e., the section number (e.g., I, VI, IX).
Examples – in the sub-entry, please enter e.g.:
SS crew

Glossary of terms
Hasło główne – Main keyword
Hasło podrzędne – Subkeyword
Opis – Description
Autor – Author
Sygnatura – Signature