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“Gryf Pomorski. Zapomniani Bohaterowie” – film screening at Kino Kultura in Warsaw, October 17, 2024.

The Warsaw presentation of the film “Gryf Pomorski. Zapomniani Bohaterowie” (“Gryf Pomorski. Forgotten Heroes”) is behind us. The screening and guided tour of the exhibition „Gryf pod znakiem Orła Białego. W walce o polskie Pomorze 1939-1945” (“Gryf under the Sign of the White Eagle. In the Fight for Polish Pomerania 1939-1945”) were attended by several dozen people.

The participants of the meeting also had the opportunity to take part in a discussion dedicated to the issue of resistance in Pomerania during World War II and the Secret Military Organization “Gryf Pomorski.” Our experts were the co-authors of the publication and exhibition:

  • Dr. Danuta Drywa, historian, head of the Documentation Department at the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo,
  • Dr. Krzysztof Korda, historian, regionalist, and director of the Aleksander Skultet Public Library in Tczew.

The meeting was led by Łukasz Kępski from the Education Department of our Museum.

The conversation focused on the specifics of Pomerania during World War II and the phenomenon of the “Gryf Pomorski” in the consciousness of the region’s inhabitants. There were also many questions from the audience, which greatly pleased us in the context of efforts to present the history of the members of the Secret Military Organization “Gryf Pomorski” on a national scale.

As Piotr Tarnowski, Director of the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo, emphasized, this is not the last initiative of our institution in the capital, both in the context of “Gryf Pomorski” and the history and fate of the prisoners of the Stutthof concentration camp.

We thank everyone who attended for wanting to co-create the #KoalicjaPamięci (Memory Coalition) with us, because after all #ToMYjesteśmyPamięcią (#WeAreMemory).