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The mission of the Memorial Site — Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo is to impart historical knowledge and provide historical warnings in a historically accurate setting, which was once a concentration and extermination camp.

The world and people are constantly changing, but the values we want to convey during the visit to the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo are constant and universal. We understand that it can be difficult to discuss suffering, longing, pain, separation, and finally death, but The Place and the Memory of the Victims obliges us. Please contact us to support our conservation, scientific, or educational activities.

Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo. German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp (1939 – 1945)
Muzealna Str. 6, 82-110 Sztutowo
tel: +48 (55) 247 83 53
fax: +48 (55) 247 83 58
NIP: 5781036000
Bank account No:
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego 54 1130 1121 0006 5623 7320 0003