Anniversary of the Execution of Poles from the Free City of Gdańsk

In January 1940, a German summary police court (Standgericht) sentenced dozens of representatives of the Polish elite from the Free City of Gdańsk to death. Among the victims were clergy, teachers, railway workers, activists of Polish organizations, industrialists, and administrative officials. After the outbreak of war, they were imprisoned in the Stutthof concentration camp.
The first execution took place on January 11, 1940. Although many details of that day remain unknown, witness accounts shed some light on the grim atmosphere of those times. Father Alfons Muzalewski recalled:
“In the first half of January 1940, a group of activists from Gdańsk was taken from the camp. At the evening roll call, 18 names were called. […] These prisoners were lined up near the kitchen. It was evening. None of us were allowed to approach them. Then they were taken away in a truck. […]”
This execution resulted in the murder of 22 people, including Father Franciszek Rogaczewski, Commander Jan Zdeb, and Witold Nełkowski.
What were their last moments like? What did they feel? Witold Kopczyński, a fellow prisoner of Commander Zdeb, recalled:
“I remember lying down […], next to me was Commander Zdeb, praying. Suddenly, he heard his name. No one knew what this meant at the time.”
In his final letter to his wife, Witold Nełkowski wrote:
“In a few days, this year will end. It was full of experiences and tears, but if we look honestly, we will see that we also had happy days, so precious… because there were so few of them. […] And finally, my personal wish: let us love each other and be convinced that no force on earth can stop my deep love for you.”
Just days later, he was executed.
Today, on the 85th anniversary of these tragic events, we remember the victims—people who gave their lives for Poland and their values. It is thanks to their sacrifice that we can build our national identity today.
List of those executed on January 11, 1940:
- Brunon Buczkowski
- Franciszek Kręcki
- Stanisław Langiewicz
- Bonifacy Langowski
- Antoni Maciejewski
- Jan Masłoch
- Witold Nełkowski
- Kazimierz Ostrowski
- Franciszek Rogaczewski
- Aleksander Różanowski
- Władysław Szymański
- Czesław Tejkowski
- Bernard Tetzlaff
- Bernard Wiecki
- Jan Zdeb
- Werner Zielke
- 6 unidentified victims