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Thanks for your cooperation

One of the key programs and elements of our educational activities dedicated to the fate of the prisoners of the Stutthof camp is our cooperation with the Detention Center in Gdańsk. When we began this collaboration many years ago, no one likely anticipated that it would develop in such an impressive way.

On one hand, these are regular workshops conducted by our staff for inmates at the External Unit of the Detention Center in Gdańsk-Przeróbka. These workshops not only shed light on the fate of Stutthof camp prisoners but also address contemporary issues such as populism, racism, and anti-Semitism. On the other hand, the immense commitment of the Detention Center’s staff and inmates to the activities of our institution is of great significance. This is exemplified by our joint efforts during archaeological excavations from 2016 to 2018, as well as the annual assistance provided in preparations for anniversary commemorations.

Today, Piotr Tarnowski, the Director of the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo, received acknowledgments for the long-standing collaboration and commitment of our institution.

We thank the Detention Center in Gdańsk for jointly building the #KoalicjaPamięci (Memory Coalition).